Life Update

Talicia Blake
2 min readAug 16, 2021


For most people COVID was a negative thing and created a negative impact on their life. For me COVID has provided nothing but opportunities. With majority of things being virtual I was able to undergo the process of having weight loss surgery. I had weight loss surgery 11 December 2020. I started out at 252 pounds and have lost 90 pounds so far. I am sitting between 162 and 163 pounds. I am still getting used to my cues for when I am full and how to eat slower. Being prior military it is hard for me to eat slowly. I look at this as a lifestyle and not a diet. I do not deprive myself of anything but there are two things that I have decided not to have anymore. I will not have carbonated beverages or alcohol any longer. I am going on nine months of sobriety and feeling better than I have in a long time. Being clear minded I am able to be the best version of myself. I am able to be there more for my family and give them the best version of me, a version of me that I do not think that I have ever given them.

Many people do not know what my drinking was like prior to weight loss surgery. I was drinking pretty much everyday to the point of blacking out. I would wake up in the morning and have to try to piece the night together or wondering how I make it to the bed. Then getting up and going to work feeling like death from drinking the night before but feeling better by the time I got off and doing it all over again. I was also putting myself and others at risk by driving after having too much to drink. At family functions I was just worrying about when I can have a drink or if drinks would be at the event. This led me to not be fully present at events or to leave early so I could go home and finish my party.

Being that everything shut down my relationship grew so much stronger. There was a lot of quality time spent together. The time spent together allowed us to get to know each other better and to grow stronger. I got engaged 27 February 2021 and married 16 April 2021. We started the house hunting process in May and closed on our new home 6 August 2021. The process was long and stressful but we finally found the home that was meant for us.



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