My Hero

Talicia Blake
3 min readNov 18, 2021


Growing up people always ask who is your hero, and the response that most kids give is a made up super hero. My response has always been my mom. While we may not have always seen eye to eye or got along she has always been there for me. Growing up my mom was a single mom and had two kids (my brother and I) to care for. She made sure that we had everything that we wanted and needed. To do this she worked three jobs which meant that she was not around a lot. My mom made sure that we were cared for by family members or friends while she was at work.

My mom is one of the strongest women that I have met. She went through a lot when it came to dealing with my father. She stuck it out for as long as she could and then she left to give us a better life. The life that she gave us while she was single was something special. She made sure that my brother and I had the best Christmas and birthdays.

My mom is the reason that I am the person that I am today. When I found out that I was pregnant my mom encouraged me and supported me. The first thing that she told me when I told her that I was pregnant was that her and my dad were there for me and would help me to raise my child. She is the reason that I am the strong mom that I am. If she could work three jobs to care for my brother and I, then I could work two jobs to provide for my son. My mom supported me any way that she could. While my parents did not have money to help me pay for the bills that I had, she could watch Elijah so that I could work to get myself out of the debt that I was left with from my ex.

When I was ready to go back to college my mom was there for me and encouraging me to keep pushing when I wanted to give up. When I finally made it to graduation she even made my graduation cap something special because she was so proud of my accomplishment.

My graduation cap created by my mom

My mom has a HUGE heart and is someone that does anything that she can to put a smile on other people’s face. Growing up I remember Christmas time we would go from family member house to family member house to deliver Christmas gifts. She was never looking for people to give her gifts she just loved to see the smile on their face when they opened the gift that she got for them. My mom is the person that is smiling watching someone else open a gift that she got for them because she is so excited to see their expression when they see what they got. When my husband and I got married we just did a Zoom call with the courthouse in the family living room with my mom, his mom, sister and my good friend and her boyfriend present. I was not expecting anything but to show up and set up the laptop say the vows and go out to eat with my friend and her boyfriend. My mom got food, a cake and even decorated for us. Since it was my first wedding she said she wanted it to be special and it definitely was.

There is a lot that can be said about my mom but anyone that knows her, knows how special and caring she is. My mom would do anything to help someone in need. My mom is an amazing woman and I am beyond grateful to have her as my mom.



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