Welcome To My Life
My name is Talicia and I am a 32 year old female Air Force Veteran. When I graduated from high school in June 2006 I never in a million years thought I would join the military. After attending community college for a semester and working full time and not having much money I decided that I need to do something different. This lead me to the recruiters office to talk about my options. As many of you may know when you walk into a recruiters office they all want to sell you on their branch. My advice is to go in there knowing what you want out of your time in the military and use that to make your decision. Also do not buy what they are selling, as in do your research and talk to other people that are currently or have previously served in the military. After talking to the recruiters and knowing what I was looking for I decided on the Air Force. During my time in the military I was able to meet a lot of amazing people that I still keep in contact with to this day. That is time that I would never take back. While in the Air Force I had the pleasure of providing care to the wounded warriors on their first stop state side after being wounded overseas. This job was a rough one as you can imagine due to dealing with the patients that have been severely wounded in combat. When I separated from the military most of that trauma stayed with me. There is always someone out there that will listen to you and hear what you have to say. They may not know what to say to make you feel better in the moment but having someone to listen to you without judgement is always enough (for me anyways). I went to several therapist that basically told me that I had no reason to feel that way that I did about my experiences since I never saw combat. Seeing and talking to people majority of the week that have been wounded in combat and that want to talk about it makes it almost as if you were there. After years of searching I finally found a therapist that listened to me and wanted to help to get over my trauma. I said all that to say this, if you are currently seeking therapy for any kind of mental health issues and you have ran into a therapist that you do not feel is a good fit for you then try another one. Do not give up because 1, 2 or even more did not work out. There is one out there for you that will listen to you and be able to help you through your problems.