When is it time to “block” people in real life?

Talicia Blake
2 min readFeb 1, 2022


In today's world, people are quick to block someone on social media when they do not agree with their views or the way they are living their life. At what point do we “block” people in real life? At what point do you say it is time to remove this person because they are not helping me to succeed in life or they are not pushing me to be better? When do we say “I need to focus on me and my mental health”?

One thing that I have learned from therapy is how to set boundaries. You do not have to stop dealing with someone that you deem toxic. You can change the relationship that you have with them by setting boundaries with them. You decide how you communicate with this person and what you allow them to ask of you. You can also encourage them to seek help for their issues to try to fix the relationship. When dealing with a toxic person remain calm. Keep all of your statements fact-based and do not argue with them. Remember, arguing is not going to get you anywhere.

When you get to the point of removing someone that you deem toxic from your life you should not feel guilt but, many times guilt follows that decision. Especially if the person that you are removing is family or someone that you are close to. We as human beings need to understand that it is okay to remove toxic people from our lives. We have the right to remove toxic people from our lives to focus on ourselves. No one needs constant negativity, emotional abuse, and degradation in their life. A personal struggle or emotional issues do not validate or excuse the way that a toxic person treats you.

If you are trying to determine if someone is toxic think about the way that your interactions with them make you feel. When you see this person, talk to, or text this person are you happy and excited, or do you feel like it is a job? Are you happy and fulfilled talking to them or do you feel exhausted mentally and emotionally? Dealing with someone should in essence fill your cup mentally, emotionally, and sometimes even spiritually.

Do not let people make you feel like you are worthless or a bad person because you want better for yourself. You are worthy of love, respect, and understanding.



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